Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Grimm 1x01 023
Berkeley Park
Category: Landmark
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Points of interest: Sweetbriar Trail
Notable apperances: Grimm
1st appearance: "Pilot"

Berkeley Park is a fictional location featured in the NBC television series Grimm. It appeared in the pilot episode of the show and was one of the key settings for that episode's storyline.


Berkeley Park is located in Portland, Oregon and is found near a college university. Student Sylvie Oster went jogging down Sweetbriar Trail near the school in the early morning hours. She passed a curious porcelain figurine and stopped to inspect it. Just then, a Wesen known as a Blutbad attacked her and devoured her body. The only thing left behind was her iPod, which was playing "Sweet Dreams" by The Eurythmics.

Detectives Nick Burkhardt and Hank Griffin inspected the crime scene and came upon the iPod. They also found tracks made by the killer indicating that he wore a size-11 work boot.

The killer was an unidentified postman who had already murdered several people near Munson Creek Falls. After devouring Sylvie Oster, he decided to prepare for his next meal. He abducted a young girl named Robin Howell and brought him back to his cabin where he intended on fattening her up. Robin's backpack was found in Berkeley Park. Portland Police Bureau captain Sean Renard instigated a city-wide manhunt and had his search teams canvassing the area around the park. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Berkeley Park was bordered on one side by Hildabrand Road, which is where both Robin Howell and the Wieder blutbad Eddie Monroe lived.

See also[]

External Links[]

