Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"The Strange Case of the Diabolical Puppet Master"
Batman 3
Title: "The Strange Case of the Diabolical Puppet Master"
Volume: 1
Number: 3
Cover price: .10
Cover date: Fall, 1940
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Whitney Ellsworth
Writers: Bill Finger
Pencilers: Bob Kane
Inkers: Jerry Robinson; George Roussos
Cover artists: Bob Kane
Cover inker: Jerry Robinson
Letterers: George Roussos
Editors: Whitney Ellsworth
Previous: Batman #2
Next: Batman #4

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Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters







Notes & Trivia[]

  • Canadian cover price is .15 CAD per copy.
  • Total page count: 68 pages.
  • This is the first and only appearance of the Puppet Master, whose given name is Dmitri. His surname is unknown.
  • This is the third appearance of Cat-Woman, and her second appearance under that particular code-name. In her first appearance, she was identified only as The Cat. This is the first time she is seen wearing a full cat mask. At this juncture, she has made more appearances than any Batman villain, beating out the Joker by a single issue. She appears next in Batman #10.
  • Batman appeared last in Detective Comics #45. He appears next in Detective Comics #46.
  • Robin appeared last in Detective Comics #45. He appears next in Detective Comics #46.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

Batman Media

The World of Batman

Batman miscellaneous

External Links[]
