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Basil Walden 001
Basil Walden
Aliases: Sir Basil Walden
Continuity: Hammer Horror
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Scientist
Occupation: Archaeologist
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Mezzara, Egypt
Status: Deceased
Born: 1862 [1]
Died: 1920
First: The Mummy's Shroud
Actor: André Morell

Basil Walden is a fictional archeologist and a supporting character featured in the Hammer Horror film series. Played by actor André Morell, he appeared in the 1967 film The Mummy's Shroud.


Basil Walden was an archaeologist and a knighted member of the Order of the British Empire. In 1920 he was hired by entrepreneur Stanley Preston to lead an excavation in the Rock of Death region of Egypt in search of the Tomb of Kah-to-Bey. Sir Basil brought with him Stanley's son, the Egyptologist Paul Preston, a photographer named Harry Newton, and a clairvoyant linguist named Claire de Sangre.

They lost contact with Stanley Preston, who was based out of the city of Mezzara, and had to take shelter in their tents to wait out an intense sandstorm. As they edged closer towards discovering the tomb, the group's porters abandoned them. A radical named Hasmid Ali warned them against desecrating the tomb of Kah-to-Bey, but Sir Basil pressed onward. As they were digging, Walden was bitten by a snake, and took ill. The rest of the group discovered the tomb, and the semi-preserved body of Kah-to-Bey was taken back to Walden's Restoration House in Mazzera.

Though he was back in civilization, Basil's health continued to decline due to the poison from the snake bite. Stanley Preston had no desire to share any of the fortune & glory of Basil's achievements with him, so he arranged to have him committed to a lunatic asylum. When his son Paul pressed Stanley about his involvement with Basil's hospitalization, he feigned outrage, but did not deny having him committed.

Shortly thereafter, Basil Walden escaped from the mental hospital. While wandering listlessly through the Alley of the House of Mukhtar, he was beckoned by an elderly fortune teller named Haiti. Haiti brought him into her parlor and read his fortune, which foretold of his imminent demise. Haiti's son was Hasmid Ali, who awakened the mummy known as Prem and had him kill Sir Basil. Prem crushed Basil Walden's skull in his bare hands. He then took his body back to the Restoration House where it was discovered suspended from a pantry door by a caretaker. [2]



Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]



  1. Date approximated based upon the relative age of actor André Morell in keeping with the timeline of the source material.
  2. Mummy's Shroud, The (1967). Directed by John Gilling. Written by John Gilling and Anthony Hinds.