Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Continuity: DC Universe
Category: City
Continent: Africa
Country: Egypt
Residents: Amazons of Bana-Migdhall

Bana-Mighdall is a fictional city featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It is part of the continuity of DC's Post-Crisis era and associated with the Wonder Woman family of comic book titles. It first appeared in Wonder Woman, Volume 2 #29 in April, 1989 in a story titled "Bloodvine".


Bana-Mighdall is an ancient city-state settled by a group of Amazons known as the "Lost Tribe". These are the Amazons who followed Antiope, and split apart from the group led by Queen Hippolyta, who later settled on Themyscira.

Bana-Mighdall is located in Egypt. Amazons could translocate from Bana-Mighdall to Themyscira by way of a mystical sandstorm. Amazons from Themyscira could in turn travel to Bana-Mighdall through the power of an electrical storm. Because the Amazons who live in Bana-Mighdall do not benefit from the prolonged lifespan as Amazons from Themyscira, they will continue to physically age, albeit at an extremely slow rate.


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TV series

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