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Ash vs Evil Dead 2x10 002
Aliases: Doctor Peacock
Continuity: Ash vs Evil Dead
Notability: Antagonist
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Location: Hell
Associations: Dark Ones
Status: Deceased
Died: 1982
First: "Confinement"
Final: "Second Coming"
Actor: Joel Tobeck

Baal is a fictional demon and a recurring antagonist in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. He is associated with the Starz Entertainment television series Ash vs Evil Dead and was the primary antagonist in season two of the series. Played by actor Joel Tobeck, he was introduced as a disembodied voice in "DUI". He made his first full appearance in "Confinement".


Baal was an elder demon and a member of the Dark Ones, whose mysterious origins were somehow tied to that of the Necronomicon. The author of the Necronomicon, Ruby Knowby, was a subordinate of Baal. In the original timeline, Ruby turned against Baal when her own demon offspring retaliated against her. Baal manifested on Earth in the modern era by way of a dimensional portal to Hell, which had been created in the trunk of the 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 that had belonged to Ash Williams. [1]

Baal was able to assume a variety of human forms by "stealing skin" from mortals. He used his power and influence to sow doubt and fear in those around him, often inciting mobs of people to commit acts of violence on his behalf. Baal sought to find and destroy the Necronomicon, as it was the only thing that could banish him back to Hell. By this point, the Necronomicon had begun to merge with the body of Ash's compadre, Pablo Simon Bolivar. Baal had Ash committed to the Kenward County Asylum where he attempted to drive him insane in the hopes that by doing so, Ash would reveal the location of the Necronomicon. [2]

Ash tricked Baal however, and found a way to get him into the same room as Pablo. Pablo began reciting passages from the Necronomicon to banish Baal, but Baal was able to kill Pablo and transfer his essence into his corpse. [3] Ash traveled back in time to the year 1982, in the hopes of changing the past, but Baal manifested into his traditional form. Fortunately, Ash and his friends Kelly Maxwell and Ruby Knowby were able to resurrect Pablo.

Ash challenged Baal to a good old fashioned fist fight, which would not involve supernatural magic, but Baal broke the rules in order to get the upper hand. Despite this, Ash proved victorious against him, and used Baal's claw to send him back to Hell. [4]

Notes & Trivia[]

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Season Two[]

