Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
B9 robot
Vital statistics
Designation B9
Aliases The Robot
Continuity Lost in Space
Category Supporting character
Series Rambler-Crane series robot
Gender Male
Base of Operations Jupiter 2
Status Active
Constructed 1997
First Appearance Lost in Space: The Reluctant Stowaway
Played by Bob May (costume)
Dick Tufeld (voice)

The B9 (benign) robot, commonly referred to as simply the robot, was a supporting character featured in the the 1960s Irwin Allen sci-fi series Lost in Space. He was introduced in the first aired episode of the series, "The Reluctant Stowaway" and appeared in every episode thereafter. The bulky costume of the robot was worn by Bob May, while the voice of the robot was provided by Dick Tufeld. Tufeld reprised the role of the robot in the 1998 feature film version of Lost in Space. The robot's signature phrase is the infamous line, "Danger, Will Robinson!"


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]

Feature film[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of the B9 robot was created by series showrunner Irwin Allen. The prop costume was built by Bob Stewart.
  • The voice behind the robot, Dick Tufeld, was also the narrator on Lost in Space.
  • The height of the original robot was 6.5 feet tall.

See also[]

External Links[]

