Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Ava and Sara's apartment
Continuity: DC Television Universe
Aliases: Ava Sharpe's apartment
Sara and Ava's apartment
Category: Residence
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
City: Washington, D.C.
Residents: Ava Sharpe; Sara Lance

Ava Sharpe maintained an apartment in Washington, D.C., relatively close to Time Bureau headquarters. When she began dating Sara Lance, she gave Sara a key to her apartment. Sara still had a key even after Ava and she had temporarily broken up. Sara came to the apartment to make amends, but found it in shambles. She later discovered that the demon Neron had kidnapped Ava and had taken her to the Sleepaway Inn. After rescuing Ava and re-establishing their relationship, the two took to living in the apartment jointly once again.

