"Deluge!" is the title to the first story from the first volume of the American superhero anthology series Astonishing Tales, published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Roy Thomas with artwork by Herb Trimpe and lettering by Artie Simek. The story features the character of Ka-Zar. The second story in this issue is called "...And If I Be Called Traitor--!" and pits the Black Panther up against the forces of Doctor Doom. It was written by Gerry Conway with artwork by Gene Colan. Inks were provided by Frank Giacoia and Mike Esposito and lettering by Jean Izzo. Both stories were edited by Stan Lee. The cover art illustration for this issue was composed by Herb Trimpe with Morrie Kuramoto on lettering. This issue shipped with an August, 1971 cover date and carried a cover price of 15 cents per copy (US).
"...And If I Be Called Traitor--!" is reprinted in Essential Super-Villain Team-Up, Volume 1.
Last issue with a 15 cent cover price. Beginning next issue, the cover price raises to 25 cents per copy.
Ka-Zar appeared last in the first story in Astonishing Tales #6. He chronologically appears next in the second story in Super-Villain Team-Up #1. His next actual appearance is in Amazing Spider-Man #103.
Second appearance of Bobbi Morse; addressed as Barbara in this issue. She appeared last in the first story in Astonishing Tales #6. She appears next in the first story in Astonishing Tales #8.