Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Series Ash vs Evil Dead
Season 2, Episode 7
Ash vs Evil Dead 2x07 001
Air date November 13th, 2016
Writers Hank Chilton
Director Mark Beesley
Producers Jennifer Ames; Bruce Campbell; Hank Chilton; Craig DiGregorio; James Eagan; Moira Grant; Rick Jacobson; Luke Kalteux; Charles Knight; Aaron Lam; Steve Turner; Noelle Valdivia; Cameron Welsh
Starring Bruce Campbell; Ray Santiago; Dana DeLorenzo; Michelle Hurd; Ted Raimi; Lucy Lawless
Episode guide
"Trapped Inside"
"Ashy Slashy"

"Delusion" is the title to the seventh episode of season two of the horror/comedy television series Ash vs Evil Dead, and the seventeenth episode of the series overall. The show is based on the cult classic 1981 film The Evil Dead, as well as its various sequels. The episode was directed by Mark Beesley with a script written by Hank Chilton. It premiered on Starz on Sunday, November 13th, 2016 at 9:00 pm.



Actor Role
Bruce Campbell Ash Williams
Ray Santiago Pablo Simon Bolivar/Reg Lopez
Dana DeLorenzo Kelly Maxwell
Michelle Hurd Linda B. Emery
Ted Raimi Chet Kaminski
Lucy Lawless Ruby Knowby

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Joel Tobeck Baal/Doctor Peacock


Actor Role
Stephen Ure Drunk
Jacqueline Geurts Amanda
Ruth Dudding Nurse Duncan
Benjamin Teh Orderly #1
Kelvin Taylor Orderly #2
Kayleigh Haworth Frumpy girl
Jeremy Dillon Ashy Slashy

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This series is rated TV-MA. It contains strong language and scenes of puppet violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
  • Actor Ted Raimi is included in the main cast line-up for this episode.


  • Upon first seeing the Ashy Slashy puppet, Kelly Maxwell says, "What the Fraggle Rock is that?!" Fraggle Rock is a children's television series developed by Jim Henson which utilize puppets for all of its characters.


  • Ash Williams: Get your filthy puppet butthole off of my arm!

See also[]

External Links[]


1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 | Brainwashing | Burn victims | Dreams | Electrocution | Hallucination | Kenward County Asylum | Mental health facility | Nightmares | Puppet | Self mutilation | Severed tongues | Syringe | Wheelchair

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Season Two
This article pertains to an episode from season two of the Ash vs Evil Dead television series.
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