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Ash vs Evil Dead 1x09 003
Ash doppelgänger
Aliases: Ash doppelganger
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Deadite
Gender: Male
Location: Michigan
Status: Deceased
First: Army of Darkness
Final: "Bound in Flesh"
Actor: Bruce Campbell

Ash's doppelgänger is a fictional creature featured in the Evil Dead multimedia franchise. It was played by actor Bruce Campbell and first appeared in the 1992 feature film Army of Darkness.


This creature is a biological duplicate of Ash Williams; sometimes referred in some cultures as a doppelgänger. One such entity took the form of a Deadite back in the 14th century. This being, first known as "Bad Ash", became the leader of the Army of Darkness against the forces of Lord Arthur.

In the modern era, Ash's once severed hand grew into a full Ash doppelgänger and attacked him at the Knowby cabin in Tennessee. It killed police detective Amanda Fisher and then attacked the real Ash.

Pablo Simon Bolivar and Kelly Maxwell entered the room, but could not determine the real Ash from the fake one. Both Ashes tried to convince them that they were the real one by revealing details about Pablo and Kelly's past. Frustrated, one of them finally recommended that they should just shoot them both and be done with it. Realizing that the real Ash would be the first to take the easy way out, they trained their weapons on the other Ash and shot him to death. Fortunately for all concerned, they killed the doppelgänger and not the real Ash.

After everything was done, Ash took to cutting up his duplicate's remains with his chainsaw. Blood from the corpse spread across the floor. When it made contact with the Necronomicon it re-awakened it.




  • Same as regular Ash if regular Ash had two hands.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The character of Ash doppelgänger was created by writer, director and producer Sam Raimi, and actor, producer, and writer Bruce Campbell.

Body Count[]

See also[]


