Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"I make art until someone dies. See? I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist."
The Joker[src]
Jack Napier 003
Classification: Occupation
Associated franchises: Batman film series
Fantastic Four
X-Men film series
Associated films: Batman
Friday the 13th
Associated comics: Fantastic Four
Character examples: Alicia Masters
Jack Napier
Steve Rogers

An artist is one who expresses their innermost thoughts, feelings and emotions in a creative means through a variety of mediums. Such methods may include writing, doodling, sketching, painting, sculpting or other types of craft work. Artistry also applies to specific fields such as photography, cooking, dancing, interior design, music and yes, even pole-dancing. Art is subjective, the quality of which varies depending upon the one interpreting the art in question.

Former U.S. marine Steve Rogers, Jr. plied his trade as artist after serving his term in the military. However, he soon discovered his true calling, which was less lucrative, but more rewarding when he took on the star-spangled garb of Captain America in the original 1979 Captain America television movies on CBS.


Character Source
Alice Hardy Friday the 13th
Alicia Masters Marvel Universe
Bereet Marvel Universe
Gary Lester DC Universe
Jack Napier Batman film series
Paul Jennings Marvel Universe
Peter Rasputin Marvel Universe
Steve Rogers, Jr. Captain America (1979)



See also[]

