Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Arkon II level transport
Continuity: Star Wars
Model: Unknown
Class: Unknown
Manufacturer: Unknown
Crew: Unknown
Passengers: Unknown
Armamenet: None
1st appearance: Star Wars: Jango Fett #2

An Arkon II level transport is a fictional vehicle featured in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. It is part of canon continuity and played a minor role in the Star Wars: Jango Fett comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics. It first appeared in Star Wars: Jango Fett #2 in June, 2024.


It's basically a garbage scow.


The Chevin known as Renzoh Silliac of the Blood Oath Syndicate hired an Arkon II level transport to bring the thief who stole the Hope of Glee Anselm statue - a source of great nationalistic pride to the Anselmi and Nautolan races, to Renzoh's salvage yard on Hallitron-7 in the Jalor Sector. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Star Wars

Star Wars miscellaneous

