Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Arcturus IV
Continuity: Earth-691
Category: Planet
Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy
System: Arcturus System
Residents: Arcturans
1st appearance: Adventure Into Fear #23

Arcturus IV is a fictional location featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is associated with the 31st century iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and first appeared in Adventure Into Fear #23 in May, 1974.


Arcturus IV is a terrestrial world and the fourth planet in the Arcturus System in the Milky Way Galaxy. It dominant lifeform is a humanoid species known as Arcturans. There are also many mixed heritage Arcturans, as well as mutant variants of the species. An older, more ancient race known as the Fortisquians existed some ten-thousand years ago and eventually became the Caretakers of Arcturus.

Residents of Arcturus IV[]

Organizations associated with Arcturus IV[]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

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