Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"People of Ur! Your Heroes, the Anni-Padda have returned triumphant from the Faraway! And brought back its boon! Must eternal life be for Gods alone?!"
Ivar Anni-Padda
"Sons of Perdition"
Archer and Armstrong Vol 2 1
Archer & Armstrong
Title: "Sons of Perdition"
Volume: 2
Number: 1
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: August, 2012
Publisher: Valiant Comics
Chief: Warren Simons
Ex. Ed: Warren Simons
Writers: Fred Van Lente
Pencilers: Clayton Henry
Inkers: Clayton Henry
Cover artists: Mico Suayan
Cover inker: Mico Suayan
Cover colorist: Mico Suayan
Colorists: Matt Milla
Letterers: Dave Lanphear
Assistants: Josh Johns
Associates: Jody LeHeup
Editors: Warren Simons
Previous: Archer & Armstrong #0
Next: Archer & Armstrong #2

"Sons of Perdition" is the title to the first issue of the second Archer & Armstrong ongoing comic book series published by Valiant Comics. The story was written by Fred Van Lente with artwork & inks by Clayton Henry. It was colored by Matt Milla and lettered by Dave Lanphear. The story was edited by Warren Simons with Jody LeHeup as associate editor and Josh Johns as assistant editor. This issue shipped with an August, 2012 cover date and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"Sons of Perdition"[]

Obadiah Archer was born and raised to cherish three things above all else: the faith of his parents, the love of his 22 brothers and sisters, and his lifelong mission to defeat the ultimate evildoer. Now, after years of training, Archer has been dispatched to the heart of America's festering modern day Babylon, aka New York City, to root out and kill this infamous Great Satan. Unfortunately, dying has never been easy for Archer's target -- the hard-drinking, 10,000-year-old immortal known as Armstrong. Together, this unlikely pair of heroes is about to stumble headfirst into a centuries-old conspiracy that will bring the whole of ancient history crashing down on the modern day Valiant Universe. And that's going to mean one Hell of a hangover.


Featured characters

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Supporting characters

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Minor characters

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Races & Animals

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Notes & Trivia[]

  • This series is rated T+ for Teen.
  • This issue is UPC barcode number 858992003062 00111.

Recommended Reading[]

Gold Key era

Modern era

See also[]

External Links[]
