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Ape Management
Ape Management
Continuity: Planet of the Apes
Type: Government
Status: Defunct
Allies: Governor Breck; Kolp
Enemies: Chimpanzees; Gorillas; Orangutans
1st appearance: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

Ape Management is a fictional government organization featured in the Planet of the Apes film series. It first appeared in the 1972 film Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.


Ape Management was a division of the reigning government of Modern City in California in the early 1990s. All such organizations relating to the central government fell under the auspices of Governor Breck. This included Ape Control, Ape Management, as well as the auction exchange where individuals could bid on apes as property.

Ape Management was staffed by humans trained at administering conditioning, and if necessary, re-conditioning of its ape population. Apes were involuntarily pressed into service at ape management, where they were trained in menial tasks through repetition and negative reinforcement. In many cases, such conditioning equated to torture, including electro-shock training.


Following the ape revolution led by Caesar, Ape Management fell into ruin. Shortly thereafter, a nuclear holocaust occurred leaving much of the original city center devastated. This region became a "Forbidden Zone", populated only by humans who had been mutated due to exposure to radioactivity. The Ape Management building became the headquarters of Governor Kolp's army.


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