Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Anywhere key
Type: Mystical
Continuity: Locke & Key
Aliases: Anywhere Key
Availability: Unique item
Manufacturer: Benjamin Locke
Owners: Kinsey Locke; Bode Locke
1st appearance: Locke & Key #3

The Anywhere key is a fictional mystical item featured in the Locke & Key comic book franchise by IDW Publishing. It first appeared in Locke & Key #3 in April, 2008.


The Anywhere key is one of several mystical artifacts, all of which possess different properties. The wielder of the Anywhere key possesses the ability to open a door from somewhere in Keyhouse, and exit to a location of their own choosing, simply by placing the idea in their mind. For example, if Bode Locke were to use the key to open a closet door in his home, he could exit into Paris, France. Prior to its discovery by the Locke family, the key had been concealed within the filigree of a bracelet worn by Kinsey Locke.


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