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Angle Man
Angle Man
Aliases: Angle Man
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Supervillain
Occupation: Criminal
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Washington, D.C.
Associations: Secret Society of Super-Villains
Status: Alive
First: Wonder Woman #115

Angle Man is a really lame super-villain. He is a fictional comic book criminal featured in titles published by DC Comics. He is associated with the Wonder Woman line of books and was introduced during DC's Silver Age, Earth-One era. He first appeared in Wonder Woman, Volume 1 #115 in July, 1960.


Angelo Bend was a criminal mastermind who took to calling himself Angle Man. He built a device called the Animox, which had the power to animate objects. After demonstrating the Animox's capabilities to a group of underworld figures, Angle Man decided to show off his intellect by attacking Wonder Woman. When Wonder Woman and her ally Steve Trevor were exploring sunken ships in the sea, Angle Man used the Animox to animate the figureheads of the ships and had them attack them. [1]

Angle Man was ultimately captured and sent to prison. He usually found a means of escaping, but invariably, Wonder Woman would always capture him and return him to jail.

Scientists from the planet Apokolips decided to use Angle Man for their own agenda. They sent him a new weapon called the Angler, which could alter reality and breach the barrier between dimensions. With this, Angle Man escaped prison once again and became a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Angle Man proved his worth by using the Angler to incapacitate Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Thanks to the efforts of Captain Comet however, the heroes revived and were able to turn the tables on the Secret Society. [2]



  • None: Angelo Bend is by all accounts a normal human being with no superhuman abilities to speak of.


  • Tactical analysis: Angelo Bend had keen criminal instincts and could determine the most optimal strategy or "angle" in any criminal enterprise.


  • Angler: His principal weapon, the Angler had the ability to warp the barriers between dimensions, pushing objects into another dimension, and pulling them back out in an alternate state from which they existed when they entered.
  • Animox: The Animox was a giant device that could animate inanimate objects.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • In his early appearances, Angle Man was a "Top Hat" villain, which is to say that his attire was similar to that of a stage magician, with a top hat, bow tie, and suit. It wasn't until DC Special Series #6 that he acquired his green and yellow super-suit.

See also[]

External Links[]



  1. Wonder Woman 115
  2. DC Special Series 6
  3. Crisis on Infinite Earths 11