American Horror Story is an American horror anthology series that began airing on the FX Network in October of 2011. The series was created by Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy and produced by 20th Century Fox Television. The series is unique from other such programs in that each season is it's own insular story-arc with a different cast of characters and actors. Each season of the show averages between 10-13 episodes.
Every season of American Horror Story falls under a subtitle relating to the storyline from that season. While each season was originally crafted as taking place in their own continuity, separate from that of other seasons, the show began slowly weaving connections between the seasons through various characters and references. By season seven, all seasons of the show could be connected to one another, and now inhabit a single continuity. Season one was titled "Murder House", and chronicled the lives of a family who moved into a haunted house. Season two took place in the 1960s and was called "Asylum", and took place at a mental institution. Season three was called "Coven" and involved the political intrigues of a coven of witches in New Orleans. Season four was "Freak Show", which showcased a carnival sideshow from Jupiter, Florida in the 1950s. Season five was "Hotel", which was set in the modern era and involved vampires and serial killers. Season six was dubbed "Roanoke" and was filmed in documentary style with cast members playing characters from the story, as well as re-enactment actors. Season seven was a political intrigue story called "Cult" and was the first season of the show to contain no supernatural elements. Season eight was "Apocalypse", which chronicled the aftermath of nuclear Armageddon. This was followed up by "1984", which is a send-up to classic 1980s slasher films, inspired by franchises such as Friday the 13th and Sleepaway Camp.