Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Amber.

Ex Machina[]

Amber was one of several models of robotic gynoids created and developed by Nathan Bateman. Her physical form was housed within a secret room in Nathan's underground mountain facility.

The Walking Dead[]

Walking Dead 7x07 006

Amber is a fictional zombie holocaust survivor, and a recurring character featured in The Walking Dead comic book series published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. She was first introduced in issue #105 in December, 2012. The character also appeared on The Walking Dead television series on AMC, where she was played by actress Autumn Dial. She first appeared in the seventh episode of season seven titled, "Sing Me a Song".

Amber is a young blonde haired woman who was living in the area of Virginia near Washington, D.C. in the years following the fall of society. She came to become a part of a militant group known as the Saviors and was one of the wives of the group's leader, Negan. Amber earned herself no small measure of displeasure when Negan learned that she had been sleeping with another Savior named Mark, who had apparently been her boyfriend, prior to her being conscripted to Negan's bed. Negan punished Mark for this effrontery by having his face disfigured with a hot iron. (Walking Dead: Sing Me a Song)

Amber, and her fellow sister-wives, Frankie and Tanya, were instructed to go to the captive Eugene Porter's room to entertain him for the evening (platonically of course). The four of them spent the evening playing the old Yars Revenge Atari video game. Amber and Tanya later feigned getting into an argument, which they intended for Eugene to see. This was part of a ploy to convince Eugene to concoct a suicide pill because Amber could no longer bear being Negan's slave. In truth, they wanted the pill to kill Negan, but Eugene figure this out on his own and refused to give it to them. (Walking Dead: Hostiles and Calamities)

In the comics, Amber later encountered Alpha of the Whisperers, who decapitated her, and left her reanimated head on a pike. A member of the Hilltop Colony named Dante ultimately put her down.

TV series

  1. Walking Dead: Sing Me a Song
  2. Walking Dead: Hostiles and Calamities

Comic series

  1. Walking Dead 105
  2. Walking Dead 106
  3. Walking Dead 108
  4. Walking Dead 117
  5. Walking Dead 123
  6. Walking Dead 124
  7. Walking Dead 144 (As a zombified head only)
  8. Walking Dead 145 (As a zombified head only)