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"I kill only those who deserve killing, Jackal. And Spider-Man deserves to die!"
The Punisher
"The Punisher Strikes Twice!"
Amazing Spider-Man 129
The Amazing Spider-Man
Title: "The Punisher Strikes Twice!"
Volume: 1
Number: 129
Cover price: .20
Cover date: February, 1974
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Chief: Len Wein
Writers: Gerry Conway
Pencilers: Ross Andru
Inkers: Frank Giacoia; Dave Hunt
Cover artists: Gil Kane
Cover inker: John Romita, Sr.
Cover letterer: Gaspar Saladino
Colorists: Dave Hunt
Letterers: John Costanza
Editors: Roy Thomas
Previous: Amazing Spider-Man #128
Next: Amazing Spider-Man #130

"The Punisher Strikes Twice!" is the story title to issue #129 of The Amazing Spider-Man comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Gerry Conway with artwork by Ross Andru and inking by Frank Giacoia and Dave Hunt. The cover art illustration was composed by Gil Kane with John Romita on inks. The story was colored by Dave Hunt and lettered by John Costanza. It was edited by Roy Thomas. This issue shipped with a February, 1974 cover date and carries a cover price of .20 cents per copy.


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters







Notes & Trivia[]

  • "ASM 129" serves as a shortcut to this page.
  • The tagline for this issues is "He's Different! He's Deadly! He's -- The Punisher! The Most Lethal Hired Assassin Ever! His Assignment: Kill Spider-Man! And Behind the Most Murderous Plot of All Times, There Lurks... The Jackal!"
  • This is the first appearance of Frank Castle, aka the Punisher. Although he begins life as just another random gun-toting villain, he will eventually gain a tremendous fan following and the central protagonist of numerous Punisher comic titles for years to come. Get used to him.
  • An alternate take on this story is presented in What If..., Volume 2 #58 in a story titled "What If the Punisher Had Killed Spider-Man". The cover art for that issue, composed by Gordon Purcell and Andrew Pepoy is a recreation of the cover to this issue.
  • A copy of this issue played a key role in the 2000 drama Coyote Ugly. The main character, Violet Sanford, begins to suspect that her potential boyfried, Kevin O'Donnell, is a drug dealer, when in fact he is engaged in a back-alley brokering for a copy Amazing Spider-Man #129.
  • This is the first and only appearance of Reiss, not counting flashbacks; dies in this issue.
  • This is the first, and to date, only appearance of Bebo, who is a minor criminal that Spider-Man stops.


This story is reprinted in the following volumes:

Recommended Reading[]

Ongoing Titles

Limited Series

One-Shots & Graphic Novels

See also[]

Spider-Man Media

The World of Spider-Man

External Links[]
