Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Alley of the House of Mukhtar
Continuity: Hammer Horror
Aliases: No.8 Alley of the House of Mukhtar
Continent: Africa
Country: Egypt
City: Mezzara
Residents: Haiti Ali; Hasmid Ali
1st appearance: Mummy's Shroud, The

The Alley of the House of Mukhtar was a side street located in Mezzara. The elderly fortune teller Haiti Ali maintained hers shop at building No. 8. Haiti beckoned the ill Sir Basil Walden into her parlor where she read her crystal ball, which indicated his pending death. Moments later, he was killed by the mummy Prem. Haiti later left a clairvoyant named Claire de Sangre a business card. Claire came to the shop and Haiti devilishly foretold of her pending death as well.

