Alien Intruder is a low-budget American science fiction film directed by Ricardo Jacques Galé and produced by the PM Entertainment Group. It was released direct-to-video on February 24th, 1993. The film is set in the year 2022 and stars Billy Dee Williams as Commander Skyler, who is in charge of a group of hardened criminals sentenced to life in prison. He assigns them a mission to venture into the uncharted regions of deep space to salvage a lost ship. As an added incentive for accepting such a dangerous mission, the convicts are given the opportunity to spend their weekends in a virtual reality world where they can live out their sexual fantasies with any woman they choose. However, a woman named Ariel (played by Babylon 5 's Tracy Scoggins), who is not part of the program appears inside of it begins seducing the convicts after killing off all of the other virtual women. When she begins to appear outside the program, tensions run high and the men quickly begin to turn on one another.