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Alicia Mayfair
Alicia Mayfair
Aliases: Licia Mayfair
Continuity: Lives of the Mayfair Witches
Series: Mayfair Witches
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Associations: Mayfair family
Relatives: Tessa Mayfair
Status: Alive
First: "Curiouser and Curiouser"
Actor: Leslie Castay

Alicia Mayfair is a fictional woman and a recurring character featured in the Mayfair Witches television series on AMC. Played by actress Leslie Castay, she first appeared in episode 1x04, "Curiouser and Curiouser".


Alicia Mayfair was a middle-aged woman who lived in the Garden District of New Orleans, Louisiana. She was a member of the wealthy and powerful Mayfair family, but did not reside at the 1239 First Street estate. Alicia was a cousin of Cortland Mayfair, and the aunt of Jojo Mayfair. She had a daughter named Tessa.

Alicia was one of the many family members who attended the funeral of Deirdre Mayfair, who had been violently murdered in a hotel elevator. It was at this time that Alicia first met Deirdre's long-lost daughter, Rowan Fielding, who had only just learned of the existence of her biological mother. [1]

Alicia learned that Rowan was the latest in the Mayfair matriarchal line to become a "designee" - a witch, whose spirit is bound to a ghostly entity known as Lasher. Rowan wanted nothing to do with Lasher, so the family researched a means to transfer the bond from Rowan to another. Alicia participated in a ceremony of transference. At the conclusion of the ritual, it was believed that Lasher had parted from Rowan and chose Alicia's daughter Tessa as the new designee. Alicia however, correctly suspected that Lasher was still bound to Rowan. [2]

When Tessa decided to track down a group of witch hunters, she was captured and killed by them. Despite Rowan's best efforts to save her, Alicia still held Rowan accountable for her daughter's death. [3]

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