Agent Carter is an American television miniseries event that aired on ABC from January 6th , 2015 to February 24th , 2015 , spanning a total of eight episodes. The series is based on the character of Peggy Carter, who has been featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics , specifically: issues of Captain America , Volume 1 . This series is set within the continuity of the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe and is the second project within this series to receive its own program after Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , which debuted in September , 2013 . The series takes place in the years following the events of the 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger , but prior to the "Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter " mini-movie.
Agent Carter stars Hayley Atwell as Strategic Scientific Reserve agent Peggy Carter, who also appeared in Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier . The series also stars James D'Arcy as Peggy's trusted confidante, Edwin Jarvis, Chad Michael Murray as Jack Thompson , Enver Gjokaj as Daniel Sousa and Shea Whigham as S.S.R. supervisor Roger Dooley .
Episodes [ ]
Season One [ ]
Season Two [ ]
The Lady in the Lake
January 19th , 2016
A View in the Dark
January 19th , 2016
Better Angels
January 26th , 2016
Smoke and Mirrors
February 2nd , 2016
The Atomic Job
February 9th , 2016
Life of the Party
February 16th , 2016
February 16th , 2016
The Edge of Mystery
February 23rd , 2016
A Little Song and Dance
February 23rd , 2016
Hollywood Ending
March 1st , 2016
Cast [ ]
Principal cast [ ]
Guest stars [ ]
Crew [ ]
Production [ ]
Directors [ ]
Writers [ ]
Notes & Trivia [ ]
Agent Carter aired on Tuesday evenings at 9:00 pm.
The character of Roger Dooley was created by writer and artist John Byrne . He first appeared in Marvel Graphic Novel , Volume 18 , titled "The Sensational She-Hulk", which was published in November , 1985 .
Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa are characters who are unique to the continuity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and make their first appearance in this series.
See also [ ]
External Links [ ]