"The Enchanter's Apprentice!" is the title to the nineteenth issue of the Adventure Into Fear ongoing comic book series published by Marvel Comics. The story was written by Steve Gerber with artwork by Val Mayerik and inks by Sal Trapani. It was colored by Stan Goldberg and lettered by Artie Simek. The story was edited by Roy Thomas. This issue shipped with a December, 1973 cover date and carries a cover price of .20 cents per copy.
"The Enchanter's Apprentice!"[]
Featured characters[]
Supporting characters[]
Minor characters[]
Races & Animals[]
Notes & Trivia[]
- The tagline for this issue is "The Land Between Night and Day".
- It all happens here. The first star-spanning appearance of the one, the only... Howard the Duck!
Recommended Reading[]
See also[]
External Links[]