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Abraham Van Helsing
Abraham van Helsing
Aliases: Abraham Van Helsing
Continuity: Dracula
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Scholar
Occupation: Teacher
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Status: Deceased by virtue of time era
First: Dracula
Actor: Edward Van Sloan
Eduardo Arozamena
Anthony Hopkins
Hugh Jackman
Peter Cushing

Professor Abraham van Helsing, often referred to as just Professor Van Helsing, is a fictional occult scholar featured in the 1897 novel Dracula by author Bram Stoker. He is presented as a self-confident yet approachable intellectual with acute knowledge of the occult with an expertise on vampires. The character appeared as a foil to the infamous vampire Dracula in Universal Pictures' 1931 classic, Dracula, where he was played by actor Edward Van Sloan. In George Melford's Spanish iteration of Drácula, the role of Van Helsing was played by Eduardo Arozamena. Van Sloan reprised the role of Van Helsing for the original film's 1936 sequel, Dracula's Daughter. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Hammer Film Productions gave audiences their own take on the character in the form of J. Van Helsing, who was played by actor Peter Cushing. Cushing portrayed Van Helsing in seven films in the series, including player J. Van Helsing's descendant, Lorrimer Van Helsing. In 1992, actor Anthony Hopkins offered forth a more eccentric iteration of the character in Bram Stoker's Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The 2004 feature film Van Helsing starred Hugh Jackman as Gabriel Van Helsing, who was a decidedly younger and more physically capable version of the Van Helsing character than the dottering middle-aged scholar that audiences were familiar with seeing from previous works.



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