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See also Abel for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Continuity: Friday the 13th
Notability: Supporting character
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Wessex County, New Jersey
Status: Alive
First: Friday the 13th Part 3
Actor: David Wiley

Abel is a fictional doomsayer and a minor character featured in the Friday the 13th film series. Played by actor David Wiley, he appeared in the 1982 film sequel, Friday the 13th Part 3.


Abel was an elderly crackpot who lived in Wessex County, New Jersey. While traveling about Crystal Lake Township, he came upon a severed eyeball. This is not particularly surprising as this area was the territory of vicious killer Jason Voorhees. A group of youths, on their way to Higgins Haven, came upon Abel, who then produced the eyeball and danced it around in front of them.

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