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Continuity: The Exterminators
Notability: Supporting character
Type: Drug addict
Occupation: Exterminator
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Los Angeles, California
Associations: Bug-Bee-Gone
Status: Deceased
Born: August 27th, 1969
Died: November 14th, 2005
First: The Exterminators #1

A.J. is a fictional exterminator and drug addict, and a supporting character featured in The Exterminators ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics under their Vertigo imprint. He first appeared in The Exterminators #1 in March, 2006.


A.J. was born in the back of a Ford flatbed truck on August 27th, 1969. A short man with rat-like features, A.J. was a callus and crude individual whose rampant misogyny was equal only to his profane temperament. In the early 1990s, A.J.'s reckless lifestyle caught up with him and was offered one of two choices: Either he could go to prison for a variety of crimes, or he could join the United States Marine Corps. Opting for the latter, A.J. served a tour in the first Persian Gulf War. He was no more liked amongst his peers in the service than he was by the civilians back home. His fellow soldiers often berated him and put him through a harsh hazing process. During the war, A.J. came into possession of an ornate box, which contained a raised Nazi seal and a relief of a scarab beetle. He brought the box back to the U.S. and kept it in a secure compartment in the back of his truck.

Back in civilian life, A.J. became an exterminator for the Bug-Bee-Gone Corporation in Los Angeles, California. He developed an obsession for this job and even had the image of an azure scarab beetle tattooed across his back. A.J. believed that pest control represented humanity's most basic primal survival instinct. One of the primary components that he used in his work was the Draxx formula. Although designed as a high-grade rat poison, Draxx also served as a powerful and addictive opiate. A.J. began secretly injecting himself with large quantities of Draxx as time wore on.

In the winter of 2005, A.J. was partnered with a new employee named Henry James. He showed James the ropes, but never made a very solid impression on him. On November 14th of that year, A.J. fatally overdosed on Draxx. His body was discovered by Henry James in the back of the company vehicle. As James put it, A.J. was "conceived, born and died in long-bed Fords".



  • Entomology: A.J. was an expert in the field of pest control.

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