The 4400 is an American science fiction television series that aired on the USA Network from 2004 to 2007 spanning four half-seasons and a total of forty-two episodes. The series was created by Scott Peters and René Echevarria and produced by Viacom Productions and later, Paramount Network Television. The premise of the show focused on 4,400 random individuals who all mysteriously disappeared from different points in time, only to re-appear, just as strangely, at the base of Mount Rainier in the year 2004. After spending several weeks in quarantine, the returnees begin to discover that they have developed superhuman abilities, but have no idea how they came upon these powers or why they have them. The Federal government assigns two agents of the National Threat Assessment Command (NTAC) and the CDC to serve as watchdogs for these returnees who have been dubbed the 4400.