Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
3083 Fairborn
Continuity: Chucky: The Series
Category: Address
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New Jersey
City: Hackensack
1st appearance: Chucky: Halloween II

3083 Fairborn is a location in the city of Hackensack in New Jersey. It appeared in the season two premiere of Chucky titled "Halloween II".


3038 Fairborn is a street address located in Hackensack, New Jersey. This is the home of the Cross family, which consists of Nathan Cross, his wife Michelle Cross, and their children Lexy and Caroline. During the time that Michelle held the position of mayor of Hackensack, the Cross family left their family residence to live in the mayor's mansion.

In 2021, the Cross family came under controversy due to the deaths of several people that were attributed to a boy named Junior Wheeler, who had been dating Lexy Cross at the time. The true perpetrator however, was a supernaturally possessed doll named Chucky, who housed the spirit of deceased serial killer Charles Lee Ray.

By October of 2022, Michelle Cross was no longer the mayor, and the family returned to their original home. Lexy was particularly upset by the move, citing that she felt as if she had been demoted.

Chucky returned to cause even more chaos in Lexy's life. Disguised as a Halloween ghost, Chucky tricked Caroline into letting him inside the house. Lexy's friend, Devon Evans knew that Chucky was in the house and called the police. Two officers showed up at the house, disrupting Lexy's evening as she was getting ready to be romantic with her boyfriend, Tommy. Finding nothing amiss, the police left. Shortly thereafter, Devon arrived at the house along with his boyfriend, Jake Wheeler, and a small child named Gary.

Chucky was armed with a homemade fertilizer bomb and held Lexy, Caroline, Jake, Devon, and Gary hostage. Devon tried to attack the doll with a taser, but Chucky managed to trigger the explosive. Gary was killed in the blast. [1]



Home Invaders[]


  • The street address of the Cross residence is revealed when Devon Evans calls the police to warn them about Chucky.

See also[]

