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Iron Fist 1x01 002
19 Gramercy Park
Continuity: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Category: Residence
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: New York
City: New York City
Borough: Manhattan
Residents: Wendell Rand; Heather Rand; Danny Rand; Joy Meachum
1st appearance: "Snow Gives Way"

19 Gramercy Park is a fictional location featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It appeared in the Netflix original series Iron Fist in 2017. It was first seen in the pilot episode of the series, "Snow Gives Way".


19 Gramercy Park was a brownstone located in Manhattan in New York City, New York. As late as the early 2000s, it was home to the Rand family, which consisted of Wendell Rand, Heather Rand, and their ten-year-old son, Danny Rand. A carving in the cement on the sidewalk in front of the front steps read, "Danny, Mom and Dad". Danny used to play Monopoly with Ward Meachum and Joy Meachum out on the terrace. The older Ward was a bit of a jerk and dashed the game pieces onto the ground after being called upon to pay a fee.

In 2002, the Rands were in an airplane that crash-landed in the Himalayas. At the time, it was believed that all three of them had died. Years later, Joy Meachum moved into the brownstone. She bought a pet Rottweiler.

In 2017, Danny Rand returned home. He broke into the old brownstone, and only then discovered that it now belonged to Joy.


See also[]

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Agent Carter

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jessica Jones

The Inhumans
