Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi board the Invisible Hand to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from Count Dooku. Anakin beheads Dooku. General Grievous escapes and Anakin is forced to crash-land the Invisible Hand on Coruscant. |
Episode III
Darth Sidious strikes down Jedi Council members Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto with his lightsaber. |
Episode III
Following Order 66, Bacarra and his clone troopers open fire upon Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, killing him. |
Episode III
Plo Koon's ship is shot down on Cato Neimodia by his own troops. |
Episode III
Darth Vader murders Shaak Ti in the Jedi Temple while she is meditating. |
Episode III
Padawan Zett Jukassa is killed by the 501st Legion while defending Bail Organa during the raid on the Jedi Temple |
Episode III
Mission to Mustafar: Palpatine sends Darth Vader to Mustafar to eliminate the Separatist Council thus bringing the Clone Wars to an end. |
Episode III
Darth Vader engages Obi-Wan Kenobi in lightsaber combat. Kenobi wins and Vader is grievously injured. |
Episode III
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are born on Polis Massa. |
Episode III
Camie Marstrap and Windy Starkiller are born on Tatooine. |
Episode IV script.