Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
1938 Sullivan Place
1938 Sullivan Place
Continuity: DC Universe
Aliases: 1938 Sullivan Lane
Category: Residence
City: Metropolis
Neighborhood: New Troy
Residents: Clark Kent; Lois Lane


1938 Sullivan Place is the residence of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. It is located in the uptown section of New Troy in Metropolis. From the window of their apartment, Clark and Lois have a good view of the Metropolis skyline, as well as the city's two most recognizable landmarks, the Daily Planet building and the Lexcorp Tower.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • 1938 Sullivan Place takes its name from two sources. 1938 is the year that Superman made his first appearance in the pages of Action Comics #1. Sullivan is named after Vincent Sullivan who was the first editor of Superman magazines. Sullivan Place has also been referred to as Sullivan Lane, another play on words, this time including Lois' maiden name.
  • Bruce Wayne was the owner of the building and gave the apartment to Lois and Clark as a wedding present.


See also[]


The World of Superman

Superman miscellaneous

External Links[]

