Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
172 Broadway
172 Broadway
Continuity: Planet of the Apes
Planet: Earth
Country: United States of America
State: California (unconfirmed)
City: Los Angeles (unconfirmed); San Francisco (unconfirmed)
Residents: Librarian; Library assitant
1st appearance: Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)

172 Broadway was a location featured in the featured in the Planet of the Apes franchise. It appeared in the fourth installment of the original film series Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.


172 Broadway was the location of a book store/library that was part of a strip mall shopping center in the then near-future reality of 1991. The manager of the store had a female organgutan work for her as an assistant. A chipmanzee courier named Lisa often delivered books and returned borrowed books to the store on behalf of her her owner.

Although the organgutan was a seemingly competent assistant she, like most apes, was illiterate and did not always perform to the librarian's expectations. She admonished the assistant's inaccurate book retrieval skills by intoning the ubiquitous command of displeasure, "No!"

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The set used for the library/book store was filmed at the Century City Shopping Center at 10250 Santa Monica Boulevard in Century City, Los Angeles, California. The fictional future setting from the film however was undefined, but is largely believed to have taken place in Los Angeles as well. A timeline published in Planet of the Apes Magazine #11 establishes the location as San Francisco.
  • The street address of the book store is scene in reverse on the glass pane of the front door. The street name is seen on a building directly across from the store.

See also[]

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