009-1 (ゼロゼロナイン・ワン) is an anime television series produced by Ishimori Entertainment, a division of Ishimori Productions, Inc. It was originally broadcast on the Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) from October to December, 2006 and ran for thirteen episodes. All of the episodes have been collected in DVD format, distributed by ADV Films and FUNimation Entertainment. The thirteenth episode, "R&B", was made available in DVD format only and was included on volume 5 of the Japanese release. All of the episodes were directed by Naoyuki Konno and written by Shinsuke Onishi.
The series derives it's name from the Number Nine Group, one of ten such squads of female espionage agents that make up the Zero Zero Organization. In the continuity of 009-1, the Cold War never ended and the agents of the 009 help to preserve the democracy of the Western Bloc, while fighting against their European adversaries in the Eastern Bloc. All of the agents of the 009 group are cyborgs, outfitted with retractable, automated weaponry hidden beneath artificial skin, the most notable of which includes, machine-gun breasts. The main character from the serial is Mirēnu Hofuman, (Mylene Hoffman in English translations), an attractive yet deadly cyborg whose slender body conceals a wide range of weaponry including a WA-P009 plasma gun and twin 9mm machine guns with bio-bullet ammunition.